Track Access Permitting
The Track Access Permit Process is to ensure safe working conditions for all work performed along the Right-of-Way, on any Link Controlled Property and in all Passenger Areas.
The Right of Way (ROW) is defined as:
The area and property that extends 10 feet from the nearest rail and/or property that is dedicated to Light Rail operations.
Do I need a Track Access Permit?
Track Access Permits are required to access the Link Light Rail System Right-of-Way for Maintenance, Construction and Inspection purposes. When activated by the Link Control Center (LCC), permits authorize your presence on these properties and inform our Train Operators of your whereabouts and activities. These actions, and your own compliance, keep you safe.
How can you be successful working with the Track Access process?
Submit your permit request and work plan on time!
Provide accurate information and include a clear and concise work plan.
(correct dates/times, locations, contact information, scope of work)
Communicate effectively with Track Access Staff & KCM Rail SME's involved in the process.
Attend Track Access meetings or send a knowledgeable representative.
Ensure all working under the permit have current ROW Safety Training.
Show up to the job site prepared to work.
Include your Sound Transit Project Manager (PM) throughout the process.